“Commit your works to the LORD and your plans will be established.” Psalm 16:3

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

As many of you know, a decision had to be made of whether to sign a new lease on our current building, which is why I had not announced dates after June.   After much prayer and consideration – I have made the decision to move forward in faith.  The lease has been renewed, we finally have working Wi-Fi for all of you and I am thrilled to be working on a new list of all our new crop dates!   Amazing how God implements plans all at once.   He has truly answered in a loud voice and I am more inspired than ever!

At this time, we are announcing dates for crops only. Themes will be announced closer to crop dates, so we can theme crops on new product as it releases.  Classes and additional workshops will also be announced closer to the dates as they are formulated and ready for implementation.   

Moving Forward in Faith:

  • Due to the current health environment, we will be continuing to replace in person crop events with “Crops in a Box”.   It is my sincere hope that during these trying times, these little boxes of goodies have eased your anxiety, brought a smile to your face, and inspired you to craft at home.  We plan to reopen as soon as it is “safe” to do so.  
  • All classes and workshops are being revamped.  I will be contacting each of you that have registered to go over the changes. 

May 1, 2020 – Moving Forward In Faith Crop In A Box Release pickup is Friday, May 1, 2020 10am – 8pm

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