On July1st, a Bible Journaling Group started and as their organizer, I felt I should have been at the forefront with some ground breaking or earth shattering news. However, all I have today is “Shine”.

As a young child I remember the song “This little light of mine, I am gonna let it shine”, yes… sing along those who remember it. The song is catchy and reminds us to always allow our light shine to others, to be an encouragement to those around us.

Today it occurs to me, that sometimes this constant attempt to shine, to be a brightening to the world, causes me to grow dim. The weight of it seems to be unsustainable. It is at this time, that I tend to draw away, almost as a fight or flight response. Trying to keep what light I have left, that if anymore of it is given away then I myself may drown in the darkness.

What the song failed to reveal was that drawing nearer to God will ignite my light, consume my darkness and overcome the feelings of failure and not being enough. Yes, it seems like a very simple solution, pray, read your bible, meditate on Gods word…all simple indeed. Then why this week, the week that the group kicks off am I unable to find a moment to do any of those simple things? Your right, the one who seeks to devour us, the devil himself started creating more chaos than I alone can handle. So this morning, I had to make this a priority, no matter what, no matter how….I had to replenish, regroup and restore…and only Jesus can do that for me.

I pray that you, my friend, take the time to meditate on Gods word today, find a time and just do it. Without Him, we grow dim. Let’s choose to Shine!

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